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Come and introduce yourself!  

Psychonaut Admin

I'm creating a main forum section where new users to our community can introduce themselves. Please tell us a little about yourself and what aquariums you keep. Cheers!

Posted : 27/09/2019 9:20 pm

Active Member

I've missed regular interaction with this crowd! For those who don't know me, I'm a 2nd generation fishkeeper whose first tank had a slate bottom and metal frame(And it was new!)

Posted : 01/12/2019 6:01 pm
Aiptasia liked

Member Admin


I'm so happy to see you here, you have a wealth of information to share!

Posted : 01/12/2019 6:14 pm

Psychonaut Admin


Hi there Claramax. What sort of fish do you have?

Posted : 08/12/2019 3:32 am

Active Member


Welcome aboard! Where are you in your fishkeeping journey? Do you have a preference in type or speciality?(Fresh/salt/tropical/coldwater/oddballs/monsters?) No pressure, but I am the original elephant's child, if you're at all familiar with Kipling, lol!


Posted : 08/12/2019 7:48 pm

New Member

Hi, I'm Wendy Jo and was a member of the old forum, which is where I learned everything I know about fishkeeping. I currently have a 40 gallon hex tank (my first "real" tank) that I set up many years ago. It's a community tank with a few cardinal tetras, a single ancient harlequin rasbora, a BN pleco and a million cories, and I have a 29 gallon tall tank that houses an angel fish and some more cories. I also have two 5 gallon minibows with a betta in each.

My cories breed like crazy, so I got the juvie angel to help with population control.  Well, he developed a severe case of pop eye right after I got him - he may have gotten injured by my BN pleco - not sure what happened.  He was a very sick fish. I put him in quarantine and gave him methylene blue baths each day for weeks and had him on antibiotics, and he pulled thru altho his eye ruptured.  I didn't wanna put him back in the main tank so I bought him the 29 tall.  Haha I never wanted two tanks, but sometimes things happen, right?  And he's useless for population control now with one eye.  

I actually bought my BN pleco from someone on the old forum and had it shipped to me.  He's got to be at least 15 years old.

I'd actually like to get rid of one of my tanks, but I don't know what to do with the cories - there's so many of them now!  They must be 3rd or 4th generation by this time.  I'm worried if I give them away they won't be cared for properly.  But they're like roaches - at feeding time dozens of them come scurrying out in a frenzy!  I've not purchased a new fish in years with the hopes of eventually retiring one of the tanks and getting some space back in my small house, but it doesn't look like it'll ever happen.

Posted : 24/01/2020 4:49 pm
Aiptasia liked

Active Member


Yay! Glad to see another "familiar face"! I downsized considerably when we moved from Washington State to Georgia. Wife limited me to one tank. Had a 55 for a few years, but I retired it as I got a 120 so I can keep my dream monsters recently. Set up will be slow, as one of the reasons we moved is my back is shot, shoveling snow was out of the question. Three cheers for Python water changers! lol

Posted : 25/01/2020 4:31 pm
Aiptasia liked

New Member


Yes I couldn't do it without my Python!  Well, mine is actually a Lee brand, but same thing!

Posted : 31/01/2020 4:44 pm
Cholly liked

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