Oscars: Aquatic Pup...
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Oscars: Aquatic Puppies  

Active Member

I love oscars, kept one for years. They're a hoot and have distinct personalities. As much as she liked "him"(oscars cannot be reliably sexed unless you "catch them in the act"), my wife used to get annoyed with Clifford because he'd go nuts if my daughter or I came into his tank room, but would just look at her. He also liked to play tug-of-war with some knotted nylon twine with loop for my finger tied securely(so he couldn't accidentally get it away from me and swallow it!) He would NOT let go until I pulled his head out of the water with it and kept it out for a little. Not recommended if your finny friend's tank has carpet around it, they will splash a lot if they enjoy this! We usually did it just before his weekly water change and I used 2 towels, one for the floor and one for me. 

Posted : 08/12/2019 8:13 pm
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Psychonaut Admin
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Posted : 09/12/2019 2:38 pm

Active Member


Clifford was  Red Tiger Oscar. His full name was "Clifford the Big Red Fish" because my daughter loved Clifford the Big Red Dog when she was little.


Posted : 10/12/2019 7:52 am
Aiptasia liked

Psychonaut Admin

Red tiger oscars can get a pretty good size. About a foot or a little larger in length. Reds and Tiger oscars are invasive and all throughout the Florida Everglades up to the middle of the state.

Posted : 04/01/2020 3:50 pm

Active Member

@admin Morons that release their fish into the wild where they can become invasive species really push my buttons. Jackasses like them are why I can't keep some species that I would LOVE to keep. Like Rainbow Snakeheads. They're gorgeous!



Posted : 17/02/2020 12:30 am

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