Origin or Range: Aquariums, Labs, and Pet stores
Temperature: In the 70’s f. and can live as low as 64 F and as high as 80 F
Ease Of Keeping: Easy
Aggressiveness: easy going
Lighting: Regular Aquarium Lighting
Minimum Tank Size:5 gallons
Feeding: Fish flakes, live brine shrimp, frozen brine shrimp, HBH betta bites, General Fish food
Breeding: Egglayer. Use same methods as Zebra Danios as they are genetically engineered Zebra Danios
Anecdote: There are three colors currently available for purchase. The original Starfire red, Electric Green, and Sunburst Orange can be kept alone but appear more active in groups. My friend currently has had his glofish an original one for about 4-5 years and it is still alive and swimming. Very Hardy fish. Because of their genetically modified fish colors, glofish are often the first freshwater fish people purchase in a pet shop. However, if you are having problems keeping your glofish alive, this article will help!
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